Sunday, May 4, 2008

Statistics: Women are getting the short end of the Stick

I recent
    ly found some statistics concerning women and their fight for equal opportunity and pay in the workforce. These are according to Why Women Should Vote - For Equal Pay and Job Opportunities (

  • Two-thirds of workers over age 16 who work at or below the minimum wage are women. The buying power of the federal minimum wage ($5.15/hr) is at its lowest level in 51 years
  • For a woman supporting herself and two children, living on the minimum wage puts her family 20% below the poverty level. In fact, since 2000, the number of women and children living in poverty, and even extreme poverty, has increased
  • The costs of gas, health care and other necessities keep rising. A minimum-wage worker has to work over 11 hours just to pay for one tank of gas at today's prices!
  • Women dominate some of the lowest-paying fields and are still left out of many others. Parking lot attendants, 87% of whom are men, earn more per week than child care workers, 95% of whom are women
  • The income of most families with children, especially female-headed families, has declined since 2000.
  • Women on average earn only about 77¢ for every $1.00 earned by men - meaning that for every $100 she earns, a typical woman has $23 less to spend on groceries, housing, child care, or other expenses. The pay gap means the average woman had to work until April 2006 to make what the average man made by the end of 2005.
  • Women of color fare even worse: African-American women earn only 67¢, and Latinas only 56¢, for every $1.00 earned by white men.
    Female registered nurses earn 8% less than their male colleagues. Female doctors earn 39% less than their male colleagues.
  • The pay gap follows women into retirement: unmarried women in the workforce today will receive, on average, about $8,000/year less in retirement income than their male counterparts

    Ladies this is why we need to vote for Hillary!

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