Sunday, May 4, 2008

More about the man that wants to ban affirmative action

In my last blog I had stated that some states are wanting to vote out affirmative action. At the head of this movement was a man named Ward Connerly. I found him very interesting because he is trying to toss out a program that he himself benefited from. I googled his name to find out some more information on him. I found that he received government contracts for his business from an outreach program from affirmative action. According to Setbacks for Connerly (, "California businessman and former University of California Regent Ward Connerly's state-based campaign to end equal opportunity programs suffered setbacks in Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Arizona in recent weeks.
Following the passage of the anti-affirmative action ballot initiative in Michigan in 2006, Connerly announced his plan to introduce and enact ballot initiatives amending constitutions in five states – Arizona, Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma – that would eliminate equal opportunity programs in higher education, employment, and contracting.
Similar Connerly-sponsored initiatives were passed by voters in California in 1996 and Washington in 1998.
Affirmative action advocates in the five states battling Connerly's efforts have been mobilizing coalitions and other efforts in support of equal opportunity programs." The article also goes on to advise that Connerly and his allies lost significant political battles in the state legislatures of Arizona and Nebraska. I personally am very glad that the political powers that be or so to speak have shut him down. I feel that he is a huge hypocrite! He is trying to fight a new civil rights movement that could reverse our society.

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