Sunday, May 4, 2008

Some States Want to Overturn

Affirmative action has been active in this country since the civil rights movement. From what I have read it pretty much went along with the ruling because it was needed to ensure social justice for everyone. However, there are some states that want to see an end to this program. According to Attempts to Overturn Affirmative Action (, "The right wing is at it again, gathering signatures in five states in an effort to place anti-affirmative action initiatives on the ballots for the November election. For months, Ward Connerly and his band of anti-opportunity crusaders have been working overtime in Colorado, Missouri, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Nebraska to make sure that the anti-woman, anti-civil rights, anti-affirmative action initiatives have enough qualified signatures to get on the ballots. Connerly himself is a multi-millionaire who was awarded government contracts as part of affirmative action outreach, and then he turned around and led the successful fight to ban affirmative action at the University of California in admissions, employment and contracting."
As you just read the man that wants to ban affirmative action programs is also a person that received monetary gain because of the program. I feel that is really hypocritical of him! The anti-affirmative action seeks to:

Eliminate programs that help women achieve pay equity with men;
Eliminate programs that encourage women to enter fields where they are underrepresented and could earn higher wages;
Eliminate outreach and other programs that inform women and minorities of opportunities to bid on and earn public contracts;
Eliminate programs that encourage female and minority students at the elementary and high school level to excel in reading, science and math; and
Eliminate scholarships and programs that encourage women and minorities to enter medical, science and engineering careers.

After I read this I just felt that this is only taking our society back in time. I may not always agree that affirmative action is needed for school admissions but I do agree that women do deserve the same working wages of any man. The anti affirmative action seeks to turn our society upside down by creating an unequal playing field for minorities, women, and those who face ridicual because of their religion. There is no social justice in this!

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